Proud to buy British

We received a number of emails recently from viewers who saw us on BBC News talking about our preparations for leaving he EU.
Unfortunately, during the report the footage made it appear that we import apples from the EU, which is not the case.
Almost 70% of the fruit and veg we use is grown in the UK and the only fruit we import is pineapple, citrus, melons and some vegetables, like courgettes, when they are not in season here.

Nim’s is passionate about supporting British farmers and that is one of the reasons we are based in the Garden of England.  ALL of our apples, pears and other vegetables are sourced from not only the UK, but mostly within a 20-mile radius of our factory. 

We also only use fruit that is rejected by supermarkets due to size or a slight blemish on the skin and we proudly fly the Union Jack on the front of our packs because we are proud to be a British manufacturer and understand the importance of supporting our economy. 
In regards to the emails about social distancing, our factory is actually closed until the 4th of January. 

The BBC interviewed me over zoom (you may have noticed I was at home as opposed to in the factory) and they used old footage from about two years ago as they couldn’t film today.

I hope this helps to answer some of the questions we’ve been receiving and many thanks for all of the new customers that have found us following the BBC News report.

Nimisha Raja, founder of Nim’s Fruit Crisps

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